Which punch needle should I buy?

Are you interested in starting a new hobby? And is that hobby called punch needle? Then I’ve got news for you, getting all the right materials can be quite complicated. But I’m here to help! So let’s get started with the most obvious item, which is the punch needle itself.

There are many options out there, ranging from cheap plastic ones to beautifully crafted wooden needles. So how do you make a choice? How do you know which needle is right for you? There are 7 things to consider, so let’s dive right in.

Yarn weight

Punch needles come in different sizes. Some are suitable for chunky yarns, some medium yarns and you can even work with embroidery floss. When you are a beginner you might have an idea of what kind of work you want to create. Do you want to make pillows with chunky yarns or very intricate art with a lot of detail. In the last case, finer yarns might be a better option. So size is definitely important. For every size needle there is a specific yarn weight that will work with it. Be sure to check this, when looking for a needle.


With punch needle you create loops on one side and the flat stitch on the other side of the fabric. Both are beautiful and can be used as the final look of your work. But when it comes to the loops, there is a possibilty to create them in different heights. This can create very interesting texture and really elevate your work. For this to be possible you would need a punch needle that is adjustable in length or a set of punch needles with a different needle height for each one (this would be the case for the well-known Amy Oxford needles).

Threading the needle

Each time you load the needle with a new yarn, you have to thread it. There are 2 types of needles, the ones with a threader and the ones that don’t need a threader. Obviously the last catagory is more comfortable, when it comes to this specific topic. Threading the needle with a threader, can become a bit annoying. However, I mostly use needles that have threaders and I’m fine. But if you are looking to avoid the hassle, than a ‘threaderless’ punch needle is for you.


Punch needle is a lot of fun, but it is also repetitive. You are making the same motion over and over, with your wrist and you hand. While it is important to take regular breaks, I would also like to advise you to get a needle that lays comfortably in your hand. When ordering online it is of course not possible to try it out. But look for needles that have an ergonomic design to them, like the ergo needles from Lavorneedles or the Amy Oxford ones.


Punch needles come in different materials and if you are like me and would like to consider the environment, than this subject matters. There is way too much plastic in the world and cheap plastic needles that don’t really work aren’t really helping with this problem. Sustainable wooden needles are a much better option, as are recycled plastic needles (Lavorneedles).

Durability and Quality

This subject kind of ties in with the previous one. As you might have guessed right now, I’m not a big fan of the cheap plastic needles that are available in the large stores. They break easily and they don’t really work well. When you spend a little more, chances are you can enjoy the needle much longer. But not only that, you will probably enjoy punch needle much more, as the better needles slide through the fabric with much more ease and overall create more even loops. Which brings me to the next subject…


As you see, there is a lot to consider when purchasing a punch needle. With each step you take in the decision making progress, you will notice that price can become a factor. So this can become a balance act in what you want, but also in how much you want to spend. In my opinion, the Amy Oxford needles are one of the best out there. They are beautifully made with wood and will probably last you a lifetime. They don’t need a threader and come in different sizes. But that is also the thing, for every size you would need a different needle, they are not adjustable. This can become very pricy!

Let me tell you which needles are my favorite…the Lavor needles. If you have been following me for a while, you probably already guessed it. These needles tick a lot of the boxes that are important to me and are still quite affordable. They are adjustable, they are made from recycled plastic and the quality is quite good (they are made in Portugal). With just three punch needles, you get to use 5 different yarn sizes and make loops in a whole range of heights. The possibities are endless, with just these 3 needles. And that is why I love them. Want to know more about the Lavor needles, check out this blog post -


Crafting for Clarity: How Punch Needle Can Boost Your Wellbeing


All about the Lavor punch needles